As many industries and businesses are growing more dynamically, many factors are also pushing IT managers and professionals toward cloud adoption. A study by Vanson ourne compiled insights from over 400+ senior IT decision makers and outlined several advantages of the cloud. It is these advantages that have contributed to research that demonstrated companies’ 20 percent growth compared to competitors when using cloud.
More Efficiency with Data Usage
Cloud computing and managed IT services has allowed companies to reduce their own data centers, eliminating many processes that consume resources. In addition, the company and staff can reduce IT costs without significantly affecting the organization’s IT structure and abilities.
Flexible Cost Options
Companies working with cloud find that their costs are more flexible than traditional means. The companies can commission server and infrastructure capacity as needed. When business activity peaks, then these server capacities can be adjusted as necessary. This provides managers with greater overall flexibility in managing their cloud computing costs.
Constant Availability
A number of cloud providers provide consistent IT support, reliability and availability in providing their services – as maintaining 99 percent uptime is valuable for business processes and operations. In addition, cloud specialists can access the applications from anywhere and provide support remotely.
Increased Collaboration
Cloud applications allow businesses and their vendors to maximize collaboration and create opportunities for virtual information-sharing. Data can easily be transmitted across parties in real time using shared storage applications. With improved collaboration across a digital space, businesses and their networks can improve project efficiency, product development, and client service.
Westcoast Cloud Solutions IT is managed by a team with 4-5 years of experience delivering managed IT services, spanning industries that include healthcare, CBD, CPAs, accounting firms, dental, manufacturing, retirement homes, and more. Contact our team today to connect with our specialists and how we can drive your business forward.